
One of the major differences between Scientology and the major world religions that stuck out to me while watching the documentary was the difficulty that anyone who had ever been involved with the Church had answering a basic question about the beliefs of the religion. It is all so convoluted and secretive that there

Wow and they already made a movie about it?

Scandal! They cut all the "white men" out of this song!!

English is just losing its marking of the subjunctive mood. It's not wrong at all. I didn't even consider the fact that it was incorrect by prescriptive grammatical standards until it was pointed out, and I'm a linguist.

Everyone has such bafflingly strong feelings against Green Day (I apologize for the awkwardness of the word bafflingly but it was appropriate). I love the band, and I have yet to think they've made a serious misstep since before Dookie. Personally I think their first couple of albums had a few good songs on them but

Of all the baseless or otherwise misguided crap that Green Day gets, this has got to be among the dumbest. If you really think that he's comparing himself to the plight of homosexuals by saying "Maybe I'm the faggot America", then you clearly have a very slim grasp of the concepts of songwriting and

Of all the baseless or otherwise misguided shit that Green Day gets, this has got to be among the dumbest. If you really think that he's comparing himself to the plight of homosexuals by saying "Maybe I'm the faggot America", then you clearly have a very slim grasp of the concepts of songwriting and

Compared to the usual TBS promos, they make this show look awesome. The fact that they managed to induce a chuckle in me gives me lots of hope. Also, Bill Lawrence. Also, John C McGinley.

Wait, wait, wait… there's a WEST Virginia??

Wait, wait, wait… there's a WEST Virginia??