We've finally found the exception to Poe's Law
We've finally found the exception to Poe's Law
Beep beep, ribby ribby!
And then you took the bait by clicking on this article and then commenting on it.
pretty sure Haley is going to end up with Andy, not Dylan
the headphones have risen in price to $25.69
hat's what I was trying to avoid. A conversation about body mass, okay? We've had that conversation five times a day for the last month because we keep watching Predator and all you talk about is Weathers and Jesse "The Body" Ventura and how many pounds they can pack on…
I love hearing that guy talk about how many people died to protect the flag, while wearing the flag on his shorts, which is a pretty cut-and-dry violation of the flag code.
I fucking hate them with a passion, but Richard Spencer is a fairly well put-together guy and Tomi Lohren is pretty attractive. You can't always judge a book by its cover. Well… 99.999% of the time you can, but there will always be outliers.
for you
I thought D'Onofrio was the worst part about DD.
How does Ice Cube keep getting work? He's so consistently awful.
Why the fuck do they even call it a headrest if it's so fucking vertical that you can't actually rest your head on it?
I assume you're referring to H3H3 among others. I felt like Ethan totally missed the point.
he's free to make tasteless jokes. Nobody's trying to arrest him.
Felix's problem is that he's really just not that funny or talented.
my Zwilling J.A. Henckles Pro 9" Bread Knife with Z15 Serration really makes a terrific sandwich
Don't dismiss the possibility that he's just a stupid asshole.
"Make America Great Again, For Real This Time"
just say it's a knife. no one cares what brand it is.