The Authentic Charlie Sheen

Lesson #1: The film needs more Charlie Sheen!

Hey, dorkwads.

hey dorkface…

You contemptible fucking piss-ant little dweebs.

Listen here, you contemptible little dorkwards and listen fucking good.

Winning, bro.

I told you little twerps in the last thread, but apparently your ears are plugged up with fucking Jew or something because I guess CHARLIE SHEEN needs to fucking say it again.

@Leroy, let me ask you a fucking question pal. Do you think I give a shit if you like me? Do you really think CHARLIE SHEEN gives one single crap about your little opinion that you posted on your little fucking computer on your little "pop-culture" website?

Which part of shut the fuck up did your feeble minds not comprehend?

Look assholes.