
My love for Pacey Witter is such that I will like anything Joshua Jackson is ever in.

I'm a meat eater, but I've also cooked for a living for about 20 years. Other people don't always like what you like. It pays to know things outside your comfort zone. Any of these people who've actually had formal training should be able to pull off vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, etc. with no complaint or problem.

With matching back tats. Getting re-elected becomes a priority after you see what happens to losers.

You're right- it was a laundry chute in 5 I was thinking of.

Was it 5/that basement with the dumbwaiter scenes? I remember something there being pretty scary.

While I'm glad to see Michael get the hook, I never like having to find someone new to hate on this show. They got rid of him and pretty boy relatively quick.

I was on my way to an Intro Philosophy class on 9/11. Oddly enough, also unaffected.

Razzle dazzle.

City Council meetings! Fax machines! More gavels!

Oh god, I just flashbacked to this off brand I wore called Dox (I think?). I took no end of shit from my friends.

Did it end with a promise of sequels or was I just confused by the ":The Adventure Begins"? I remember loving it and waiting for another one for years.

Has anyone already suggested a crossover? I want Purefoy's character to be next on the blacklist.

Prince of Darkness is a terrible movie. Zero redeeming features.

Ach du liebe! Raccoons!

Macy Gray and Old Dirty Bastard in a remake of Rad which features Rick Berman as a talking catfish. Parts II and III involve the WNBA somehow.

I thought it was a character name until I re-read.

"Buckle up, Marlon!"

She did

"I don't WANT R.L. Stine, goddamnit! I'm a Christopher Pike man!"

If I were a woman I'd call mine Voldemort.