Precirrhotic alcoholic

Kenan's performances are uniformly awful, agreed.

Kenan's performances are uniformly awful, agreed.

yuh what a fucking retard

yuh what a fucking retard

This post was unnecessarily snarky. I always liked Abby Elliott.

This post was unnecessarily snarky. I always liked Abby Elliott.

Virginia sucks.

Virginia sucks.

I count "The Long and Winding Road" as a bad song - for starters.

I count "The Long and Winding Road" as a bad song - for starters.

Oh no, he was redeployed?! Maybe he shouldn't have joined the military in the first place, dumb asshole that he is.

Oh no, he was redeployed?! Maybe he shouldn't have joined the military in the first place, dumb asshole that he is.

And why is that, exactly? Because you bow to authority like a fucking dog?

And why is that, exactly? Because you bow to authority like a fucking dog?

You know what? Fuck the troops. The more that die gory deaths the better. I am not being sarcastic. You are defending the world's most enormous murder machine. Fuck you.

You know what? Fuck the troops. The more that die gory deaths the better. I am not being sarcastic. You are defending the world's most enormous murder machine. Fuck you.

Why doesn't anyone fucking ever say "Britons"? "Brits" is annoying.

Why doesn't anyone fucking ever say "Britons"? "Brits" is annoying.

There are a lot of bad songs on that album, even if there are also gems like "Two of Us" and "One after 909."

There are a lot of bad songs on that album, even if there are also gems like "Two of Us" and "One after 909."