
Nathan is a great character BUT
I will not miss him terribly when he doesn't return for Series 3. Simon is much more interesting of a character and I hope that we get more Simon-cenric episode in the near future. He's funny, but as the kids say, he's a twat.

Just watched this episode today
It's a VAST improvement over an already slick first season.

My First 2nd Doctor story…
It was a doozy. One of my favorites now.

TARDIS control room
8's looks good, but it does NOT beat either new series control rooms. Harrump.

Pamela Aldon
Can she be any more precious? Plus, Louie really wrote/acted the hell out of that monologue.

The Sixth Doctor
I can't help it. I really dig Six. Baker DID really get fucked, but his performance is insanely watchable. He's all over the place. His BBC novels and radio series are also pretty great.

Peter Davison
The ONLY reason that these episodes are watchable. Some are great, but alot of them are just truly awful. Plus, I wanted Peri to fall into a pit of sentient dicks and just get raped to death.