Beer Baron

Yep, selling out like common Whores.

*slicks back hair, checks breath*

"You people are being way too hard on this poor lady!"
-Craig T. Nelson

Just soon enough!

*raises hand*

*SNL cold open*

"Giving 'X' a Pitchfork Rating" hasn't become a thing yet, but I think I can see it starting to form. Just a vague distortion in the air right now, but it's becoming more solid every hour. We need to stop this. We need to … I don't know, close the portal … cross the streams … something.

The flashlight app on my phone is pretty neat. Maybe make a movie about that.

Ahh, drunkenly dancing the Surfer Stomp to "Sweat Loaf".

They're usually $2.49/per pound around here, and that's still a nice big plate of wings for like 5 bucks.

Granted, a good grounding in the history and lore goes a long way towards getting one ready for the summer.

We caught Dunkirk in 70mm IMAX. Absolutely gorgeous and SWEET JESUS IT WAS LOUD. The only sore spot for the day was the lack of a Ragnarok trailer. I so wanted to see that on an IMAX screen. They had a poster for it in the lobby for Christ's sake!


I read "meatball historian" and immediately felt a pang of regret that I may have wasted my life. I suppose it's too late to start over …

…stop saying points …


And he frequently shows that he's pretty damn clever … except for that part where he knows the killer looking for him is on the other side of the door AND HE PLANTS HIMSELF DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF IT!! GAH!

If they brought back Columbo with, like, Mark Ruffalo or somebody I might give it a shot. Damned if I can think of a man alive who could replace James Garner though.

"Griffen … he fucked allll the way to hell."

I'm still pissed Netflix dumped Columbo and The Rockford Files.