Beer Baron

I think most subsequent viewings (as opposed to readings) were due to recreational substances.

Without the Dave McKean art, I don't think I ever would have opened Arkham Asylum up twice.

The thing that first comes to mind is the firing of Holly Hallstrom. It was during that time when Dian Parkinson was suing him for sexual harassment. Apparently he ordered Holly to hit the talk-show circuit and lie on his behalf and smear Parkinson. She refused and he fired her. In his defense, he claimed he fired her

I long for the days of Bob Barker (before I knew how much of a scumbag he was) and thinking that the Price is Right set looked like some sort of magical wonderland.

Every time "You Can Call Me Al" comes on the radio, I have to reach over and crank up the volume when Bakithi Kumalo's 4-second slap solo happens. My wife is a very tolerant person.

Did they ever ret-con that into being a Doom-bot? 'Cuz that's totally one of those scenes that they used to ret-con into having been a Doom-bot.


Fun little retrospective about that saga.

Don't buy it for a second.

Actually, I think I've got a handle on it now. The remaining solids are now about a quarter cup … mostly tomato seeds in a matrix the consistency of wasabi paste. I feel pretty okay about tossing that out.

Quick question: Once I've gone through the strainer twice and continued to pulverize the remaining solids, I still got about a cup or so of stuff that's just not getting any smaller. That gets stirred into the liquid, or that gets discarded?


Well how would you like it if you were trapped in a world you never made?

Sweet musical Jesus, that's your friend?! She is filthy!


Since he's made his address public knowledge, I sure hope some unhinged loon doesn't break into his house some night, remove all his limbs and burn his features off with a butane torch. That would be hilar- … horrible. Yes, horrible.

Ron Howard is going to be buried in that "nobody knows I'm bald" baseball cap, isn't he …

Best ever delivery of that line? I say Warren Oates on top of the RV in Stripes.

Okay, truth … I've been watching those Popeye's Chicken ads for months while watching Cops and they finally got to me. Tried their spicy tenders and that shit is actually pretty damn tasty.

Chicken finger eatin' motherfucker …