Something about furniture shopping? Stressful, yes, but I don't get the hubbub.
Something about furniture shopping? Stressful, yes, but I don't get the hubbub.
Also, what about kids who died? Or infants? Is there some awkward acne-ridden braces-wearing twelve-year-old who's going to be stuck that way forever?
So…kind of like an anti-Cabin in the Woods thing?
Also, why do they have to sleep? And why don't they fly other than that one time? Heck, why not teleport? Why do people still have to stand in a long line in order to get froyo?
I don't know—with the way they treated Tahani, do we really think they made it to the Good Place?
What bothers me is that the glimpses of the lessons we get in episodes go pretty much like every class does in TV world: we catch them mid-session, yet the teacher is just introducing the concept, and then the lesson's over. In today's ep it was "Chidi defines utilitarianism in about two sentences, Jason gives one…
Thank god I'm not the only one shipping those two. I either want them to be revealed as actual soulmates or give Fate the middle finger and get together anyway.
I just don't get how everyone seems to have died at the same time as their soulmate. What's up with that?
You're thinking of Luis Buñuel's cookbook, which was just one long tortuous excuse to make a buñuelos pun. Worth it, though.
The best part of that is the implicit assumption that Jess & Robby set out to sing a Toto song and decided on "Africa," as opposed to just deciding to sing the song "Africa" without really considering its origin.
That's delightful. I may have to borrow that phrase in the future.
I mean, the librarian sketch was literally all about subverting/sending up her "hottie" image.
Are they not even going to film it and put it online? Dick move.
Whereas we commenters just send out a flurry of frenzied punches in every direction.
Better: someone should make a "96 Guest Votes" account. Drive people crazy.
I'll bite: what do the other letters stand for?
Negging works!
If you can't achieve the goals you want, want the goals you achieve.
Yeah. Not to ignore that enslaved women were frequent victims of rape, but the point made in the statement that the rape of Nat Turner's wife is fiction invented for this movie is particularly gross. Like a woman needs to be sexually assaulted to justify a man's anti-slavery movement?