That Nice Violin Bit

Offend minorities? Like scientologists?

Wow - did you go with "bear" because brown people?

Manson's point in Bowling for Columbine about listening to the killers is still considered wise? The '90's feel like the dark ages. Did he also want a bit of a natter with Elliot Rodger?

"cultural subordination" What country is that? The one where they censor the likes of South Park?

A better example can be found by looking for Roger Deakins colouring Oh Brother Where Art on youtoobs. That was 16 years ago.

but your brain did

Less costume changes, the set doesn't require hours of cleaning up between every take and it's directable. If it's not convincing it's probably because it's badly directed or lit.

Less costume changes, the set doesn't require hours of cleaning up between every take and it's directable. If it's not convincing it's probably because it's badly directed or lit.

He has a quite terrible nasal hair problem

He has a quite terrible nasal hair problem

The idea that a male equivalent of Hannah would be fine and dandy with everyone is daft. Imagine Clark Duke doing the lingering, explicit sex scenes or acting as entitled as Dunham. It would be a complete farce, it'd be gross-out Freddy Got Fingered insanity and ultimately just as loathsome. You think legions of guys

The idea that a male equivalent of Hannah would be fine and dandy with everyone is daft. Imagine Clark Duke doing the lingering, explicit sex scenes or acting as entitled as Dunham. It would be a complete farce, it'd be gross-out Freddy Got Fingered insanity and ultimately just as loathsome. You think legions of guys

Choco-boco-lina! Welcome! Get your traveling products here at
Chocolina's emporium! The beauty's all mine, but the products can be
yours—but only if you show me the money! This might be a once in a
lifetime choco-mazing opportunity, so don't miss out!

Wow. I can understand having a little whimsy for 35mm film projection but such veherment nostalgia for it comes off as luddite hipster douchebaggery. It was unreliable and degraded hugely as it went down the chain of distribution i.e. outside America. For every Chablis sipping twatbag, pontificating over a scratchy

The damage done to the world by those who really believe "it's true" outweighs the gentle lifestyle led by your parents. Their semi-belief makes them semi-complicit in all the horrors of dogma. It's just not enough to say the Witch Hunts, Spanish Inquisition and suicide bombers were "doing it wrong". The whole

Ambiguity and depth are not the same thing. Just look at The Room.

Well hey
this is my favourite movie of the past decade too. Surprised no one mentioned just how horrifying that stabbing at the lake scene is. Also great use of CG; the blood, the period details, the overhead taxi ride, the skyscraper timelapse etc…

Bro stuff
I was hoping for a little roguish camp to deal with ERB's very old fashioned machoness, but it looks like they've just dilluted it. Deja is fiiiiiine 'dough.

It's not gay.
Surely the most pathos comes from the fact that in his worst moments Tim starts turning into Brent. See his reaction when Dawn reveals that her and Lee are still together, I think he even throws in a Brentian "ah… see you later". Most obvious is at the end of the last episode of series 1 when David makes

The CG starts here
Ah I nostalgia'd hard for this one. Interestingly Flight of the Navigator is a pretty big milestone for CG as it was the first use of image-based lighting, later seen more extensively in Terminator 2. Does War Games fit into this genre too? I think it does.