
People. This episode fuuuuucked me up. I was introducing my wife to "Are You Being Served?" a British sitcom I used to watch with my parents. I chose random episode on youtube.

Fewer pans. Not less. Jesus. How hard is this.

When Reverse Flash held up a glowing yellow ring after Barry mentions the Ferris Air test pilot going missing, my wife and I nearly shit our pants. If they had given Reverse Flash a fear ring, it would have been the most epic (or dumb) twist ever.

Shadow of the Colossus. Hands down. I've listened to that OST more than any other OST and probably more than any other single album except for Master of Puppets.

You said the Golem Arcana pen reads microchips embedded in the game pieces. But if you had gone to their website, http://golemarcana.com/over… ,and done even the most basic read through, you'd know that there are not microchips in everything. That's some pretty bad research.


As for the rape scene:  That happens in our military too.  With alarming frequency.

I used to think that about Battlestar: Galactica.  And then the last season happened.