gangster of giggles

So white conservatives found a way to call a liberal "racist". Sounds about right.

I know this misses the point of the article, but did the Hermain Cain sketch receive any push back at the time? I can see why Cenac would be uncomfortable with performing the sketch and what followed afterwards. But from my memory it was pretty clear the sketch was satirizing the extreme lengths Cain would go to

Don't Forget: Franz Kafka wrote a lot of his work after he was diagnosed with tuberculosis in 1917. This includes his novels, The Castle and most of The Trial. Neither of them were truly finished.

Selma was a pretty good film, but it didn't quite "awaken my Inner Goddess" half as much as 50 Shades of Grey did.

I knew there was going to be a lot of people at my local showing of 50 Shades, so I made sure to come early.

Sorry, I couldn't buy Morello's backstory for a second. She's way too beautiful to have dating problems. She can stalk me any day.

Uh, I was surprised by Ginsberg's nip clip. Although Ginsberg's character always had a tragic element to it (he was, after all, born in a concentration camp - yikes!), he really transformed into a comic character over the last two seasons. I had started to write off his paranoia and his nervous tics as comic relief,

my bad… I mean the Boondocks… also it should be mentioned that the people I knew who were really into the show I had some pretty racist views on black people.

The Boondocks.