
It was kind of a thin gimmick. You could edit out all of the framing story bullshit and it would still be just as enjoyable as a middle of the road rom-sit-com.

The credits sequence alone was worth more than every episode of every damn police/medical procedural put together.

I don't really understand why people think a poor ending retroactively ruins the run of a great TV show. It's not a fracking M. Night Shyalaman movie!

I blame Putin.

It doesn't read like it was written by lawyers.

Agreed. The guy is clearly not fit for life outside of prison. However, he seems to have written an actual, sincere-sounding apology apology, not the typical politician "I'm sorry if anybody's feelings were hurt" non-apology apology. Maybe he can turn his sorry life around.
Still, he should be in some sort of rehab

What about Captain Kirk and Marta in Star Trek ("Whom Gods Destroy")?
What's that you say? It's not a rom-com. I suppose you're right.
What do you mean, "green isn't the kind of color we mean!"?

More like Dirk Diggler, amirite?

Supposedly Sense8 was expensive as well, but at least every dollar showed up onscreen, unlike The Get Down.

I want to see one of those global pansexual orgies in IMAX

The Wachowski sisters do suck at dialogue, which is why bringing in JMS was an upgrade. JMS is inconsistent at dialogue, but he is good at plotting.

Sense8 was a pretty effective nudity delivery mechanism.

I would say it's a lot better than this.

Close. Quentin Tarantino's Keep the Customer Satisfied is about a drug dealer who gets in over his head.

I suspect the snarky dismissal has more to do with the quality of the argumentation than with the nature of the exercise.

I don't understand where all the money went. Half of the back half of the season was filmed in bargain-basement animation.

Actually, the plucky kids did when the breakdancing concert, but the evil real estate developer kept on running the city.

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, but Space:1999 had good design. A lot more thought was put into the design of the Eagles, for example, than into the stories.

The A.V. Club
I'm starting to feel like we should just like, end the internet.

No you are.