
In fact, there is a subset of cancers that are caused by viruses, and you can develop vaccines for them. There is a vaccine for HPV, the virus that causes cervical cancer (and some others), developed by Doug Lowy (currently acting director of the US National Cancer Institute. If everyone (or 90% of everyone) were

Some people are fuzzy on that distinction.

Heretic! Peter Capaldi is and will always be the abusive, profanity-spewing political fixed from In The Loop!

As I understand it, the protomolecule is a highly advanced, self-executing IKEA instruction manual.

"Don't mess with science. We have lasers."

I think "Tio Chef" is a great name! I'm going to get my neplings to call me that.

Trump seems to spend most of his time in Florida.
And we still have Obama.

They're actually quite consistent.

But where would he find something like that?

The two aspects of the show are meant to create a dramatic effect. The "hard sci fi" makes the protomolecule seem weirder by contract. If this were , say, "Star Trek", Eros jumping out of the way would not be so shocking.
Without the protomolecule, on the other hand, this would just be a story about space pirates.

There's a Costco in DC, yo.

My people!

I agree about Roddenberry's baneful influence on the franchise, post-TOS. However, I think it's Michael Piller who is properly credited with saving TNG, and most of the good things about DS9 are attributable to Ira Steven Behr.
Braga and Berman probably deserve praise and blame in equal measure for their contributions.

"pale" is fair enough, but it's only mushy if you overcook it.

Except broccoli and cauliflower are tasty and nutritious.

Citation needed.

Children were the real monsters all along.

Plotwise and characterwise, they are getting to the same destinations, but by different roads.
For example, Caliban's War opens, if I remember correctly, with Holden disillusioned and bitter after months spent playing enforcer for Fred Johnson, taking out Belter pirates, which leads to a conflict between him and Naomi.

In linguistics, "creole" and "pidgin" are technical terms. A pidgin language is what emerges when you throw together people who do not speak a common language (e.g. in Hawaii). They create a new common language using words from their native languages and a fairly stereotypical grammar (e.g., if I remember correctly,

Everyone likes to hate on Cibola Burn, but it has Proto-molecule-Miller-puppet incarnated in the body of a giant robot , for fuck's sake!