A Helpful Citizen

Obnoxious louts pay for drinks—-many of them, generally. Con men and obnoxious artists do not. The latter are also more prone to insulting the owner, *while* not paying for drinks. I'm not sure what's so difficult to understand about this.

From the lack of likes, I must be the only one who gets this reference, but "ANTON!" is one of the funniest moments in the history of this show, and as long as someone is shouting it out every week, I'm a happy dude.

In light of some of the behaviour exhibited by Diane in future episodes, I think an equally appropriate suggestion would be "Run, Sam, Run!".

That makes one of you, Kenneth…

Preach on, homie.

Don't fret about it. He was an asshole then, and he's still an asshole now. You're right, he's wrong, and if anyone should be crawling back in through the "supplicant" doggy door, it's him. Hey, Shine On: eat a bag of dicks, you goofball bastard. Me AND Carol think you suck. Fuck off, you weepy beta-weasel bagsucker.

Nugent is just as wrong about this as he is about every fucking thing else. I'm not sure we should be surprised be that by now, really. That's what we get for thinking the best of people until proven otherwise, I guess—-it won't be long before you're proven otherwise.

Stray observation: Phil Nugent is an asshole.

Uh, Schmoker, I don't know how to break this to you, but $15 million in 1982 isn't "$30 million today"—-try north of $100 million. The last year that the MPAA tracked average budgets was 2006, and even in this feast-or-famine era, the average cost for a theatrical release was $65 million. The average cost of a feature