
Oh yeah, but really infuriating too, because RYAN MURPHY was the only judge, meaning so many talented kids got thrown under the bus for the sake of a few good looking white guys. Season one had it all - overly talented Rachel Berry-esque girl getting one of the most violent villain edits I've ever seen; Christian teen

The pilot is still really really good. I always imagined this show as an amazing 13 episode miniseries that went on too long. It's a shame how bad it got, but Glee could still pull out a knockout episode now and again, and I'll always be fond of it. (Also The Glee Project was one of the best reality shows of the past

I've seen this episode so many times, but have only just realised they completely write Lisa out of the final act. Guess it would be hard to accommodate her world view into that song. And speaking of Lisa, Yeardley Smith's voice work when Lisa is dancing around her peach tree is one of my favourite bits she's done.

Mirielle Enos dials in that performance from some weird places. She is a peculiar actress, but very watchable. Love Joel Kinnaman, hope he gets a better go at Hollywood than that Robocop shambles. Also, props to whoever decided to make this six episodes, this show could only benefit from less time to mope around.

Kudos to the actress playing Norrie for spitting out the Microsoft mandated product endorsement with as much hatred as she could muster. That and her constant baby-frown puts her way up my character rankings.

Just remembered this show is back. Rachel Lefevre still has very nice hair. Eagerly awaiting the return of Joe's skateboarding teen friend. The dialogue continues to take my breath away.

The Middle - 'Halloween IV: The Ghost Story'

Wow. The way this show has turned itself around is really impressive. It'll be interesting to see the ratings post-Cap 2. I feel like the show-runners have been all like "yeah, don't worry guys, we know what we're doing here" and that sounded really hollow, until tonight. By making all the characters pretty bland and

The near crushing of Cashew was a low point for me. Had they gone through with it I can confidently say I would have given this show a 1 star rating and cancelled my netflix account.

I have to hand it to this show, they really have crafted two of the most hateful characters (to me anyway) on TV right now. I'm worried I'll never be able to watch Kevin Spacey or Robin Wright in anything else ever again without hoping they get heat-rayed into a pile of dust.

That was a very cathartic episode. Are we allowed to do comic spoilers?

Yeah, I'm just amazed that we're in almost exactly the same situation we were in last season, just with different people in the background. Regardless of how terrible a villain the Governor is, he serves as a good representation of how this show likes to go round in circles

Finally making the Governor's actions rational emphasises how ridiculous and irrational he was last season. Last season is in fact looking as big of a waste of time, retrospectively, as The Farm That Shall Not Be Named. The writers have basically re-jiggered the bad guy's motivations, given him a new group of nameless

It's a shame you cant get family pets more on sitcoms (I guess it costs money to keep an animal on set) cause there's a lot of comedy to mine from them. It's one of the only things Family Guy is good at anymore. Anyways, I liked Colin Firth and hope he pops up again soon!

Definitely the best episode of the season so far. Brick dressed as A BOOKMARK floored me. (I can see why the Sue's speech might have been a bit much, but Eden Sher's delivery sold it for me).

Was that ending a dig at Atticus Shaffer? Good grief.

This show is so much better at capturing family dynamics than Modern Family isn't it. They really captured the feeling of being crushed in a car, bickering with your siblings for hours whilst your parents lose the plot. Contrast this to when the Dunphys took a road trip in that massive-ass RV. I guess The Middle is

Yeah this was definitely better than UTD. Its funny, I didn't think that at the beginning, but as both shows went on my opinion kind of reversed. Both shows had their share of stupid moments, but Siberia definitely gives more of a shit about it's characters and tries to paint them as more than just exposition-bots,

I'm a total sucker for any creative endeavour where the theme is 'love conquers all'. God, I loved this episode.