's going to take ages to disprove this..'s going to take ages to disprove this..
funny but not quite…
his family just studies all different types of religions..the guy's himself is Christian..yeah why do i know this…I have no idea..
clearly she can try to walk away from food..but something always draws her back again..I think it's the butter personally.
give me a show that appeals to my inner sociopath and i'll be entertained.
they always blame Fry…
still, what is a broner?
I'm certain it did Zoidberg.
ah if only there were MPDGnswers….it'd be odd enough to provide a bit of sunshine(?) to my day.
eh..I enjoy 1000 ways to die…maybe because I'm reason to ponder that though.*NEXT!*
i's very useful isn't it?
those who write twats are certainly twits.
highly indifferent to this event.
OME………this is a sign that this Twilight shit has gone to damn far.What the fuck?As if text talk wasn't annoying as bloody fuck before.
ahh…perhaps perhaps..very unlikely but it starts to make a bit more sense everytime..every damn time.
I wouldn't be surprised if they did…
seriously..I laugh even more at 50 cent now hearing this crap about Twilight..still his frequency disturbs me slightly at the same time.
*correction* would not'd just mean he'd just as awful as ever.
if the plan is to make people like his music in comparison..frankly there will not be much of a comparison…and that sucks.
Community is a great show..can't wait when it gets time enough to ouut it on one of these lists..perhaps not best of the decade just yet but best of the year..possibly.