I was a smart girl tortured for being a bit…overly alert emotionally at the time therefore , rage spilt into my soul growing up which eventually caused a bit of suicidal thinking and depression.hoorah for intelligence!
I was a smart girl tortured for being a bit…overly alert emotionally at the time therefore , rage spilt into my soul growing up which eventually caused a bit of suicidal thinking and depression.hoorah for intelligence!
despite the apparent error in decade placement..this list works ok for me.
@Bitchcakes 5000EX
well to dane cook i say "…" and then proceed to shoot him in the face.hoorah.
good times indeed.
3rd up: jeff dunham
sorry dude.you're pretty much screwed
true enough
I didn't know I was in a coma
@Sheltie truly Victoria Woodhull was a rebel
i don't see why not.
..eh not likely
but if i had to guess then yes
Ah hell nickleback..
this is proof that there is no goodness is this cursed planet.
he may hyperbole himself greatly and may be retarded (im thinking aspergers…or can't shut the fuck up syndrome..leaning towards the latter)..but still kanye makes..fairly quality music..i suppose.
"fuck this shit…"
that was funny.and way too true.