
Richard Vernon: You're not fooling anyone, Bender. The next screw that falls out will be you.
John Bender: Eat my shorts.
Richard Vernon: What was that?
John Bender: Eat… My… Shorts.
Richard Vernon: You just bought yourself another Saturday.
John Bender: Ooh, I'm crushed.
Richard Vernon: You just bought one more.

A lot of my choices like Patton Oswalt and Joe Strummer are already mentioned but..still 'd also like to hang with Demetri Martin. I don't know why..actually yes I do..he's really intelligent and I'd like to see what other incredible useless talents he has that are impressive nonetheless..he seems cool

American Eagle vs Hollister vs. Abercrombie & Fitch

@Signal30..oh you had to bring up the decapitated head from Re-Animator the image I get everytime I think of him/it, I figure I am hilariously scarred for life…thanks…I am fully expecting for you to say you're welcome cause that is what I expect from people lately..especially on here..Sorry for my inexplicable

every Bond in existence pitted against each other..melee..I think it would cme down between Connery and Craig..but Connery might win just because…

Bobby Jindal (future of the Republican party, I think not) vs Sarah Palin…interesting fight I would think..I have money on Palin though..she's crazy..

eh..at least he gets a fifth…i get nada…always sucking…as usual-_-

Good for you Hulkster..keep doing what you do..it's pretty good

um..Waits..you actually took the time to read Glenn Beck's a.k.a #47382 at the asylum…book? I dont know how to respond to that..perhaps I shouldn't. Another waste alas….

this is really sad…genuinely i feel bad.."why do i have such a function?"

I am quite relived that's Paula's leaving but something inside me leaves with her..maybe the habit of watching American I dol

all this crap is so troublesome

that idea is completely stupid…i would only attempt that bs if they paid way more than that..and even then I probably wouldn't do it because…I pretty much despised everybody. :)

this is disturbing thought but…if leno were my ma. i would commit matricide…or suicide whatever comes first probably both

Here's my guess:

am i the only one in the mood for planting bombs and/or hiring snipers in order to kill those backstreet boys?

everybody shut up…please stop wasting time over this.clearly it's not really essential to determine what's punk and what's not at this moment. All I care about is that Joel madden sucks.

even though they're not behaving like it…(in continuing Sybil's remark)

everybody realizes that they've been in a fashion cult and decides to commit suicide…everybody dies stylistically of course

everybody die