Ren and Stimpy dangit
lifetime pass to John Kricfaluski (I think that is how is name goes, anyways) Ren Nad Stimpy, sick dementedly amazing show..i loved it and still do.Once more this is just my humble opinion.
Ren and Stimpy dangit
lifetime pass to John Kricfaluski (I think that is how is name goes, anyways) Ren Nad Stimpy, sick dementedly amazing show..i loved it and still do.Once more this is just my humble opinion.
i second 2 just because that was funny..especially Mike Myer's look right after it..*i still chuckle just thinking about it*
hedburg is awesome however he is also dead sooooo….'s just me, myself and them
shit:the movie was nice..should've used a prequel though called piss
I was kind of waiting for him to come up as I wondered would Will be a good choice?I mean I really enjoy a good 90 percent of his movies..(Wild Wild West was funny for all the wrong but yea definite lifetime pass to the fresh prince..for well a lot i.e. i have to go fr this Six Degrees of Separation..I…
I second all of those choices for various reasons for outcast and public enemy just cause I love those groups…but Flavor Flav has made a disgrace of himself and look what flavor of love caused more like spawned:Rock of Love, Rock of LOve 2, Rock of Love Bus, Charm School (Ricki Lake,Monique, and Sharon Osborne),I Love…
agreeing on Norm..hilarious stuff
doctapurple im with you there..i was ok with dr dre but then he unleased the beast known as 50 cen upon the universe…may many curse fall upon his head even though I also blame eminem for that crap too.. over DMB and suggestion…seriously its killin me
I'm also goin to have to say Angelina Jolie…really you think you're saving the world with all your babies and adoptees and crap? Frankly I think you're making it worse for all that reason..She just pisses everytime I see her…for some reason Brad Pitt does too ..must be the company he keeps. Also can I say I hate Megan…
As a response to the original prompt, I think I would require high schoolers to read This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald in order to graduate..not only that i'd make sure they understood it because the inexperienced can get lost in all the strange thinking and contemplating that seems to go on in that book.
Attention: Travolta,LEAVE…leave while you still can..the possible resentment against scientology…go with it.
I think they need to pull the plug or at least have Turtle put down
Loose Stool here's some probable answers:
1.Why he wore that shirt? Maybe it makes him look more pathetic than he already is..(it's working)
2.where'd he get it? TJ Maxx…my ma tried to get something just like it.. the slacks are WAY too high quality for that shirt
If MPAA wants to shoot themselves,I say let them do less crappy thing in this annoyting ball of soil that we call a planet
Carlin is geat material for quotes..i actually try some of his dining suggestions at restaurants as well as yelling at anchors for misusing words "Popular usage changed the meaning of the word. Fuck popular usage!"I love responding to people that say," It's the second meaningof the word." Well I say "That's because it…
i have a couple to express my extreme lazyness.."What a drag" and "How troublesome" You sound smart and you can be a lazy ass…the best combo in the world..Im not telling where I got those from (look them up)
when i first saw that i was on a mission to learn that song so i could sing it everywhere…i do that with a lot of importance songs in my life *no surprise there*
Closer was the first song that kind of had me excited in a way i wasn't and still not sure i wanted to be excited…but i liked it