
I also fell for Cult of Personality even though I had to discover it the hard way (which way I will not disclose) but that song was one of those songs that made it ok for me to like the kind of music that i like and that's very close to my heart..(sappy much?)

The show is just another way to get herpes and for one to get disgusted yet amused by watching the trainwreck. Yes, I am also sick of Ray J

JVS, that disturbs me greatly…quite unfortunate tale i must say…*must burn image out of mind before delving into insanity*

@Clueless, its true, this man was once on the cutting edge..it is a little bit sad to see him this way but…eh not my problem

I have no doubt
My outrage choice is h. and I have no doubt that clearly Jamie Foxx was high on somthing when he did this….if he wasn't well that makes him even worse for it. Oh well not my concern *evil smile*

Alas what has happened to the "epicenter of civilized society?" I do think that Britain has paid entirely too much attention to America..

It looked a little tasty but then I remember food is NEVER, I mean never as good as it looks on tv so I will stay away from that thank you very much

Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
I traveled the world and the seven seas.
Everybody lookin for somthing
Some of them want to use, some of them want to be used by you
Some of them want to abuse, some of them want to be abused

Once I ran to you, now i run from you
This tainted love you've given
I gave you all a boy could give ya
Take my tears and ……….oh!
Tainted love..ohhh oh Tainted Love
Dont touch me please I can not stand the way you TEASE

Apparently Wayne,yes you do…

the script in the article sucked how do you think the actual movie would go? I bet it would be 10000 times worse

Oh great…someone my age may be lookin at a very unpleasant future..especially Idiocracy the movie comes true…movin to another country? may not help..-_-


my outrage
h.all of the above…i think that says enough

don't worry jake..he's not scientologist..he's christian his family just studies different religions

My Reaction
i figured that mess out a while ago…you guys are just now getting to this?odd…still the situation ended up very sad for my fresh prince watching experience and it continues when i watch reruns with different moms

bye vibe
aye…vibe is leaving oh well…i am going to miss those 20 questions though…

No reason at all for these to exist that 54-year old clearly didn't think this one through if she didn't want to see people's underwear

Humpty Dumpty
Im guessing someone just had a bad dream on acid or pcp when they came up with this mess…

I am of Generation Y and most of that garbage just made a creep go up my neck..as for the list of the "real" Gen Y language..fortunately I am not too familiar with any of those phrases..except Mario Lopez alas…curses why was i born when i was born?