
Any South Floridian probably still hears this jingle in their nightmares -

I would venture to add to that list Bridget St. John, about whom I just recently learned, happily. I kind of think of her the lovechild offspring of a three-way between Nico, Nick Drake, and Donovan.

Joni would beg to differ, apparently.

Joanna Newsom's latest is actually pretty accessible. She's still otherwordly & frighteningly talented, but her voice has mellowed to a much more pleasant caterwaul, & the songs are structured quite like traditional pop/rock. C'mon Tim, give it a try.

Two words: Green. Chartreuse.

If anyone is still reading this, this is a true story: I got my first and only tattoo after more than a year of deliberation, in a hideable-or-bearable in public place (top of my foot,) thought it was beautiful and loved it and was glad I got it for about a full ten years, and now I'm just tired of it and kind of

One of my favorite parts of summertime
is listening to that song by Mungo Jerry all over again, man.

Danny Lore from the punk band Against All Authority (with whose wife I used to work) told me a story once about how when the band were first forming and they were sitting around trying to think of a name, Joe came up with Ska Na Na because, you know, they WEREN'T ska, hence the "na." Thankfully, they nipped that one