Dr. Gnu

I remember watching him throw cards to the back of the audience (and into watermelons) on Carson when I was young. I distinctly remember thinking, "that's cool, but this guy has no career ahead of him."

The pronunciation sounded like and was anglicized to "hero."

I came 'on di azz, if you know what I am saying.

Sounds kind of like that "Chinese whispers" game, but with human excrement!

I would download the shit out of a car.

I think the kids are calling it "cwned."

As the saying goes, "it's just a show, and you should really just relax." Though unlikely/impossible, the conceit that this giant organization is also secret taps into a primal way we perceive the world around us. Whether it's a division between cool/uncool, in/out, hidden/visible, the idea that there is this world of


I can still remember the FIRST time Beck raped and murdered a girl in 1990. Apparently, 3rd time's the charm.

Wake me when "Dr. Gnu's greatest posts" comes out. Really - I want a piece of that.


Holy Schmalz would make a much better lube and Miracle Oil.

I got all of the women in the area pregnant.

I think we just need to start this thread over again.

It beats Radiolab, which gives me aural seizures.

No, that would be Nightwatch II: the Nightwatchering.

I'd put a sock on my Aunt's cat-head, too, especially if company was around. Good call, ZMF.

I saw the trailer and didn't even recognize Bullock. I just though, who is this woman trying to play a character 20 years younger than she really is?

@ davezog
Yes, yes he does. He's changed.

Now, if they could dip the whole thing in batter…
…and deep fry it, then I might be tempted. Especially if I could get a bowl of 'dipping sauce' with it.