Dr. Gnu

I ate this really schizophrenic doughnut for breakfast this morning. Sugary on once side, chocolatey on the other. Ymm.

You can make it at home, you know. Some alcohol, lemon zest, and a DVD of "Master Debaters II: Night in Cancun."

There's a nice website at UVA where you can follow little figures of Dante and Virgil move around the Botticelli map of Hell.

No, the lifetime pass comes form his story about accidental pumpkin fucking.

The end of the 5th Canto is peachy - the scene where Francesca describes reading chivalric poetry with her brother-in-law, getting all het up, till finally Dante says, "That day they read no more."

I'll go with..
"Have a nice day!" I know, it sounds common, but I say it in the weird, strained, voice of the sycophantic worker in the bathhouse in "Spirited Away." Kids love it.

The fetus is fertilized? That's just, really weird.

Three years into the future (of the 2007s), with the plane having landed without incident in LA, with the Oceanic crew have strange "coincidental" contact with each other triggering deja-vu galore. Could work, but there'd have to be something pretty interesting going on on the island for that to not be as boring as it

oh, good job mocking his sarcasm detector.

Thesis: "Lost is awesome."

Not two gods
I lean against the conception Jacob and Darkie being two gods at play, or even two concepts at war ("freewill vs. destiny"). I'm thinking, and hoping, that it's more in the spirit of the show that they are incarnations of some physical property of the universe. Maybe one is time, the other energy, and

Only 'punting' (pushing a boat along with a pole) is called 'punting.' 'Fishing' is just called 'fishing.'

I don't want them to change the past so the plane lands safely. Then there would be no Lost series at all, and my last three years will have been for shit.

Yes, I do believe it is, in fact, exactly what she was recorded as having said.

Just SHOCKED, that ZMF hasn't commented on this story yet.

Creed is not a sales-person. Not in accounting. Not in HR.
Is he supposed to do anything other than play solitaire?

Are you a real doctor, Apocalypse? Why do you know so much about a woman's body?

This movie…
makes a great double-feature with Bad Santa on Christmas Eve. Can almost make putting the fucking bastard's tricycle together bearable.

Double posting is the first symptom of reding-herpes.

Double posting is the first symptom of reding-herpes.