Why the fuck was Nick Offerman not Teddy Roosevelt?
Why the fuck was Nick Offerman not Teddy Roosevelt?
Maybe she was referring to date rape being not as bad as regular ole violent rape. Although there is a slight distinction, in the sense that violent rape is more monstrous, they are both "rape rape" so it's still a fuckin stupid thing to say.
It's not our fault. All those things are supremely fuckable.
Was I the only one hoping that Bonnie would go full "Carrie" at the prom?
I thought she was referring to the actual perfume smell when she said Alaska's was the only one she liked.
I felt so much self-loathing for thinking "Stars Are Blind" was alright.
One can forgive a lot, if you're funny. O'Neal is. That piece on Vice wasn't.
I don't hate the Dead, but one day my roommate and I were watching TV and there was a Dead show on PBS. We both remarked how we were pretty much ignorant about them, so we watched. After about 10 minutes, we had to turn it off. It was horrifyingly bad. Can not understand how people could devote their lives to such…
Roxxxy peaked early and towards the end, it seemed like she was just headbanging and not even lip synching.
So Roxxxy is this season's villain. At least Ru learned her lesson with Phi Phi. She was so obnoxious right off the bat that towards the end of the season, it just became oppressive. With Roxxxy, I initially liked her but that goodwill has been whittled away. It also helps that Roxxxy seems to be a lot more talented…
She's holding out for the reunion special, which will come out in 9 years.
Same for me. This and Buffy were the two "teen shows" I watched religiously and grew up in tandem with the characters.
Yes! I was a huge X-Files nerd in high school and when I first saw this episode, I yelped a bit when Donny Pfaster was hitting on her. Still can't disassociate him from that role.
Maybe he's a cockney bootblack.
I totally forgot they got married. Funny how an episode you've seen much more recently can be so much less memorable.
It is really hard.
I had a hearty chuckle at the look of sheer glee on Britta's face upon hearing of Jeff going to visit his dad.
Technically, the dean was in cowboy Jeff drag, but still your point stands.
The only part that surprised me about her confession was that she hadn't had work done on her nose.
And yet her looks have still have been more memorable and diverse, than say Roxxxie, who always has big hair, lots of skin, and those heinous fake tits.