
I think the brilliance of a twist lies in the feeling that you should've seen it coming but somehow didn't. And you look back and go, "of course!" Or in a movie with magic, an extremely clever and justified twist. This movie had neither. The movie didn't trick you, it basically lied to you.


Yes, but doesn't he say "It knows where it's going" with anger and frustration? Then he enters stress mode when he nears the lake and Dwight is yelling. So now we've learned that frustration + rebellion + stress = driving in a lake.

Yes, but doesn't he say "It knows where it's going" with anger and frustration? Then he enters stress mode when he nears the lake and Dwight is yelling. So now we've learned that frustration + rebellion + stress = driving in a lake.

Not everything happens within the office. Finally.

Not everything happens within the office. Finally.

Why would you sit through Season 8 just to give up when it finally gets better in Season 9? Greg Daniels for Prez!

Why would you sit through Season 8 just to give up when it finally gets better in Season 9? Greg Daniels for Prez!

That's definitely what they've been implying the whole season and I like it. It's cyclical without being lazy. Andy isn't Roy in many ways except losing sight of what he has. Plus, Andy is the boss. That makes Plop aka New Jim aka Pete much ballsier than Old Jim.

That's definitely what they've been implying the whole season and I like it. It's cyclical without being lazy. Andy isn't Roy in many ways except losing sight of what he has. Plus, Andy is the boss. That makes Plop aka New Jim aka Pete much ballsier than Old Jim.

I agree about Oscar being the "straight man", but this just makes him more human and interesting. We all do stupid, regrettable things. And I can see Oscar doing something like this if he's been single for a while. But, yes, at some point he must (and will, I bet) confess.

I agree about Oscar being the "straight man", but this just makes him more human and interesting. We all do stupid, regrettable things. And I can see Oscar doing something like this if he's been single for a while. But, yes, at some point he must (and will, I bet) confess.

I just couldn't stop noticing how much chemistry Landry and Devin seem to have, which seems weird since she's a lesbian. They couldn't stop smiling at each other in a way friends never do.

Unfortunately, it's such a waste of a comment.

Agreed about everybody saying talent wins over "paid dues" or whatever. And Saracen didn't win them a championship. He maybe led them, but they had talent elsewhere. Last year, it was Smash. This year, they're implying Riggins isn't enough and they need more talent, i.e. freshman phenom QB/socially inept Boy McCoy.

I think Tyra is more upset because Tami had her thinking so much bigger when it came to college. But yeah agreed on the rest.

Actually, I'd say it's fairly normal to keep scoring as long as its a backup QB and not the starter. But, as always, the touchdown was a bit easy.

Although many seem to think it was a "creepy porno" storyline, I tend to think it was just the beginning of Clark's seduction / hitting on Erin. There would've been no porn or actual sex. Just Clark trying very hard to hit on and make out with Erin. And Jim Jr. wouldn't just tell Andy because (like Jim Sr.) he would

Although many seem to think it was a "creepy porno" storyline, I tend to think it was just the beginning of Clark's seduction / hitting on Erin. There would've been no porn or actual sex. Just Clark trying very hard to hit on and make out with Erin. And Jim Jr. wouldn't just tell Andy because (like Jim Sr.) he would

I disagree that it was clear cut self-defense. Landry knocked the guy out while the guy was walking away. While I get the anger and protection, Landry went a tad too far by hitting the guy in the head. Of course, hitting him in the leg might just make him angry and Landry wanted to be certain. But the fact that it's