
"I think the reason they couldn't go after the baby is that they've already met River and heard enough of her story that if they found her it would create a paradox…"

I read "Last Day on Earth" while I was working at the NIU student newspaper in preparation for a Q&A at a local bookstore; it is very, very good and I highly recommend it (though I admit my perception may be colored a bit). Been meaning to try out his other books but haven't gotten around to it yet.

Sure it does. It wasn't that the reactor was malfunctioning or not working; it's that it wasn't designed to be in his chest for an extended period of time and was thus slowly poisoning him as a side effect. He wasn't dying "because he had to have the arc reactor in his chest." He can forego the arc reactor because the

No, the elements making up the arc reactor Tony had been using since the original film were poisoning him. It wasn't that it was failing, it was that the reactor was killing him, thus necessitating that he create a reactor that would do its job without killing him as a side effect.

Nah, too topical. Besides, any kind of a hunt for bin Laden had kind of fallen out of public consciousness until we actually got 'im.

Nah, too topical. Besides, any kind of a hunt for bin Laden had kind of fallen out of public consciousness until we actually got 'im.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but they never said the group's memories were erased of the Jasmine/Evil Cordy fiasco, only of Connor (and therefore Connor's involvement in Jasmine/Evil Cordy). My understanding has always been that they recall that big arc of S4, only differently as Connor wasn't there in their minds.

Missed these reviews SO much. Glad to have them back!

No, that's just called "the comic book industry since 1975."