
Could you please show up and post this same thing on every article that uses words like "problematic" to conjure up a racial controversy where none exists? I realize it would be a full time job, but I think every such article needs this kind of pointed, rational refutation as the top reply.

Was that the worst reward challenge ever? I've missed a few seasons of Survivor, so I don't know if this is one of their mainstays, but Jesus Christ. Even while Jeff was describing the challenge, I was thinking that it would end up being a stalemate. And they were going to do it THREE TIMES? It would have taken 5

Was that the worst reward challenge ever? I've missed a few seasons of Survivor, so I don't know if this is one of their mainstays, but Jesus Christ. Even while Jeff was describing the challenge, I was thinking that it would end up being a stalemate. And they were going to do it THREE TIMES? It would have taken 5

I didn't know only white guys could be sexist.

I didn't know only white guys could be sexist.

I really hate how Hannah's parents are portrayed. I know the show is goofy in general, but mom and dad are too caricatured for the tone of the show. They would be more at home in a show like Malcolm in the Middle (a better show that this one, incidentally).

I really hate how Hannah's parents are portrayed. I know the show is goofy in general, but mom and dad are too caricatured for the tone of the show. They would be more at home in a show like Malcolm in the Middle (a better show that this one, incidentally).

What I found so interesting about the books is that a less talented fantasy writer would have made Robb the main character of the books. Young, noble, motivated by revenge. GRRM seemed to take great delight in avoiding making Robb a point of view character.

I loved when Vanessa took her shirt off to give me a better view of her bouncing tits at she ran the conveyor belt.

I really think Christina's tits are quite nice. If she wore a bikini top like Alicia's with the keyhole cut out, I wouldn't mind a bit.

It's clear from the rhymes in Poe's poetry that he spoke in what we would consider a British accent. For instance, he rhymes "haunted" with "enchanted."

Plus no one will ever give him a single vote to win the million.

Exactly. If you don't want guys like Michael knocking over women and dwarves, then don't put them in a challenge together that involves tackling.

He was pretty much always like this. I remember a tribal council way back in season 3 or 4 where the first words out of his mouth were, "The other tribe is kicking your ass."

I think the sexism is all in your head.

Yes, conservatives are retarded and the angsty liberals rooting for more abortions on TV are perfectly sane.

Yeah, it sucks when the media ruffles your political feathers, doesn't it? Imagine what it would be like as a conservative, when 80% of what's on TV is directly hostile to your beliefs.

Yeah, it sounds like a joke when you say it out loud, but it really happened. I know, because it scared the shit out of me.

I can't believe the zombie episode of Growing Pains didn't make the list.