
So music videos are gonna be on MTV again?

Walk around this vast, empty castle looking at the 7 or 8 different tilesets. What's that, a bat? Activate W.I.P.S.! 87% percent chance of whipping his head!! Select the head. The bat explodes in slo-mo!! Now, just loot that bat-corpse for some wing-leather and sonar-cells. Oohh, this werewolf is telling me he'll give

I Don't Read All These "Jokes"

Motherfuck Dre, Motherfuck Snoop, Motherfuck Death Row
Gentlemen, here comes my left blow.

How is Stan Lee going to "create" things
now that Jack Kirby's dead.

I think he's in the Super Furry Animals.

The ending was good right until they went out the window. Then they lost me.

There's only 3, and the third one is thankfully pretty epic, and much less "poor man's SotC" than the first 2. The first 2 could've been axed.

Partying is for lames and carecats. Stay inside.

Sweet Salem pic

I'd buy this, but
Blue Castle took a massive dump on the PS3 version. What a fantastic way for Capcom to take this former exclusive multiplat: make a bunch of highly regarded content 360 exclusive and put out a sub-hd PS3 port covered in screen-tearing. I'll be saving my money for Castlevania and Vanquish.
I'd check

"And in his defence, he wasn't calling ALL Chinese people subhuman - only the ones that were skinning cats and dogs."

Ted Leo is a person.

Definitely the funniest part of a funny episode.

Chicken? I like chicken.


I wish I'd been named something tougher than Marion, like Alice.

@not Bridget: The point is, Pete was never forced into making the kinds of decisions that Don was. (Not that Don can't own his decisions.) Whether or not dahddy blew his inheritance is irrelevant, Pete's a blue blood with a name, a far cry from the son of a prostitute whose dad got his head kicked in by a horse. I

Congrats to Pete Campbell on being incredibly rich and not having to sully himself like those filthy commoners. A true paragon of humanity.