
Looking forward to the Greg Giraldo Roast.

Happy Pete makes me happy.
But also dirty. Can't get clean.



Condoms break honey.
Your baby, your problem.

Evil Dead II is one of the funnier movies ever. This one is also good, and so is Army of Darkness. There.

Show stinks
I just wanted to say that the show stinks without calling anyone "faggy."

That whole thing about the wrestlers was really fucking heartwarming.

"I know. It's weird. I'm not sure how to feel."

Not youuuuuu!

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I thought there was some overlap. There was that bit about how he knows too much to be optimistic about dating and I think some other stuff.

I don't see how Don's past indiscretions are relevant. Whatever he is, he's a good father.

Don's sign off
It seemed pretty clear that he didn't care about the quality of the idea (he wasn't even paying attention when they told it to him). He just wanted Fillmore to sign before they realized a lady had just died behind them.

Pajamajoan will haunt my dreams. Sweet Jesus.

Yeah, Don! Don't give Sally one worthwhile memory in her miserable life!!

Best part of the episode
When Don's date saw what Betty looked like and immediately changed her conception of him as a sad divorcee charity case. Women.

Yo, AV Club
Cover Grass Widow or you suck forever.

The A.V. Club dilemma.

The show's greatest strength
is definitely the relationship between Peggy and Don. I think it's great that it's been used so sparingly up until now. It's the secret weapon. The scene where Don comes to her apartment in the Season 3 finale is still my favourite thing that's happened on the show.