
O'Neal's pretty relentlessly misogynistic, but he has a lot of interesting views, and some of his comments should definitely be viewed within the lens of humor. That WTF interview was really enjoyable. At what point was he racist during it? I mean, for people with an understanding of history and context who don't

Tom Waits stinks
Check out some music where people express themselves rather than doing funny voice play acting.

Smoke weed and get high. Roll blunts. 4:20. Weed.

Tim Rogers is > your life. The problem with gamers is they like video games, not good writing, and treat games writing as something purely functional. Rogers is genuinely entertaining and skilled at describing and critiquing game design in depth. But keep mentally cataloging all of his opinions and getting furious

Some resentment of successful peers seems to be hardwired into all comedians. But I've never heard anything but respect for Louis on these podcasts, apart from some "it's cool to hate your family now" griping.

Fuck L. Ron Hubbard for ruining my dreams.

The photo montage at the end with Zach Galifianakis and the tiger was the best part.

I guess just ripping off Jack Kirby was never enough for Stan Lee.

This might be obvious, but
I read the "you don't get what you want" as specific class/race commentary rather than a recurring theme of the show, although that might also be the case. In the girl's perception, Louie is a guy who hasn't had to 'go without' as much as she has. Apart from her own lack of interest in him,

Yeah, why play a game with an interesting setting and visual flare when there's mob movie boilerplate in an open world with nothing to do.

I don't generally care about the story in games, but the story and characters in K&L were surprisingly good. Parts of the game are genuinely unsettling. Then you get to Cuba, and all of the game's flaws render it pretty much unplayable. Still, I'll buy this at $20.

Giant Bomb's strength is CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT. I'll watch a Quick Look for a game I don't remotely care about, so I don't see how the site attempting to be comprehensive would do anything to improve it.

One-upped Kanye, that's for sure. No one man should have all that POWER AND BEAUTY.

I used to work at a coffee shop and CAFFEINE IS A DRUG MAKESYOUTHINKDOESNTIT.

TT Zop
Jon Glaser is the funniest man on the goddamn planet!

Holy shit! Not Pitchfork!!

I just got confused. Because I'm dumb. In retrospect, it's pretty funny.

I enjoy Blankenship, but I was never in a high-school play.

Holy shit! Boner?!?!

Why can't
people stop second guessing this show. Really, Noel, you're concerned that Weiner doesn't know how that letter ends? What show have you been watching?