
Every zany situation they get into could be ended by Layne shouting "We're not homosexuals, we're divorced!"

That Sulk dude on Twitter put it best: Katy Perry is Booby Deschanel.

Taking on the Hulkster AND Superman? Dude was the total package.

Yeah, that's nuts, but it's pretty clear that most modern Hollywood directors have zero respect for 70s cinema.

I bet Scott Tobias liked A Serious Man!

Night Beat is incredibly. Those are practically dubs, they're so sparse and atmospheric.

Anyone who thinks there aren't dyed-in-the-wool, stats obsessed, nasally sports geeks has been looking in the wrong places. Hell, one of them got a job GMing the Houston Rockets, along with a NY Times write-up by Michael Lewis. Pretty sweet gig imo.

I'm no fan of MSNBC, but what they do is in no way equivalent to Fox News, and some people quoting Olbermann is hardly proof of that.

That lady shakes her granddaughters' hands. Come on.

I thought Rex Luger was already fat.

I read the look as a "What the fuck is wrong with you?" maybe mixed with a little desire from Louie. That girl was almost as awful as the mother.

I do. Don would be an unlikeable dick if we didn't know how troubled he was. Who wants to watch show about and incredibly handsome, incredibly talented guy who fucks around on his wife. Maybe in the second episode he could see the error of his ways, and we'd get tired of living vicariously through him by episode three.

Da dadada, it's StrawMan! Watch as he uses his powers to justify the indiscriminate murder of brown people.

I think Relic games are also notable because people can come back from the brink of defeat, whereas SC players are much more likely to just concede if the their main force is destroyed. I would generally consider that "bad balancing", but maybe it's just a different type of game.

Zerg have extra tendons and ligaments in their legs that let them run faster. Fact.

When does the computer say that?

'toss time
Time to get 'tossed.

Somebody should bury him.


T.I.'s King had a pretty funny skit. The dude's like "Bitch, if you have me killed, I'm kicking you out the house!" Always makes me chuckle. The skits on this one are decent.