
Follow Us and Be Still prevent this album from being perfect, but goddamn, it's close. FYI, Big Boi said the actual track list is Royal Flush after Hustle Blood and Lookin 4 Ya the last track on the album.

Trying to elevate Superman to Obama-like status was always misguided. We were all bound to be disappointed when we decided to hold Supes to Obama-esque standards. He is, after all, only a Kryptonian.

People need to shut up about their ethnicity.
We get it, you're not normal. As a white male, ethnicity is never an issue to me, so it's bizarre when visible minorities can't seem to get over it. Now, the little weiner with the glasses and the quirky name spelling and the jokes about how it's wrong to be religious?

They're both bad.

A good ol' fashioned rap battle would be a good opportunity for 'Ye to direct some of his rage outwards and stopping writing songs about jumping out of windows.

There are actually Black English people, so there's really zero reason to ever listen to The Streets.

They're called 'character actors,' dingus.

Yo soy un baby.

So they're some sort of Flipper cover band?

Magic all up in this bitch
I just clicked on this interview to see if the Fresh-Ass Comedy Tent was mentioned. I was not disappointed.

Maybe it doesn't ramp up the difficulty as quick as Trials, but I think I've put about 5 hours into the second to last level and don't think I'm ever going to beat it, let alone get all the stars on it. Actually, forget that, Trials is stupid hard.

The ghost of Sam Kinison haunts battered women's shelters.

Wipeout HD is one of the greatest games ever made, and definitely the best value. Don't listen to scrubs who say otherwise.
Also, if Ass Effect is supposed to be some paragon of bideo game storytelling, then I'm over here with Ebert.

MGS2 rules, plebs.

more like
Pavement go back to being good for one show.

I don't understand the point you're trying to make. The only things the two bands have in common are being relatively well known and somewhat musically adventurous. Plus Fucked Up are better than Refused.

I've got the only guide I'll ever need.
*points to dilz*

Go to the Cheap Ass Gamer forums. There's some service to get Americans to mail reasonably priced games up here. Anyways: STEAM SALE.

I jerk off during Cannibal Holocaust and Men Behind the Sun.

Aren't those what Ian Curtis watched before he killed himself?