
Sounds incredible.

"Lying sneakily suggests…"
I think you mis-spelled "Lying relentlessly beats you over the head with…" Also somewhat baffled by the idea that Gervais' shows don't indulge in sentimentality. I mean, it's good sentimentality, but it's most definitely sentimentality.

Fishscale is the first Ghost album they heard. Only explanation. Hell, the leak version of Fishscale is better than Fishscale.
Also, cosign Pretty Toney love.

Verbal Intercourse and Mind Playin Tricks on Me are the two greatest songs in hip hop. And if you don't know, now ya know.

Yeah, the description here is really unfair. Not to say that it couldn't use some trimming, like most 2CDs, but there's way more than an EPs worth of solid material on there. Even the indulgent stuff is interesting at worst.

But what if there's a sizeable number of worthwhile people who have the capacity to enjoy quality entertainment, but, in a startling reversal of chicken and egg, have had it beaten out of them through decades of being force fed shit?
Or maybe they just suck.

Wes Anderson
I like Wes Anderson and his movies, but almost everything that's followed in their wake has lifted all of their surface, the insufferable preciousness, and none of the substance. I blame them, along with the pitchfork-hoisted brass ring, for the current state of indie rock.

I saw a guy doing his thing and enjoying life and had to resist the urge to mock him to his face.

Hey Conan!

Sunshine is a bad game by any standard. It's not "bad for a Mario game." It's pretty much the opposite of fun.


Despicability? What now? Dano is the despicable one, the afterbirth that slid out of his mother's filth. The good guy wins.

It's nice to know that if this was out now, AV Club commenters would be screaming something about 'pretentious hipsters' pretending to like it.

Suck the tits.

Finaru Fantaji VII

Definitely Alex. It was brutal and it set off Linus becoming one of my favourite characters. I'm just as baffled as you.
Charlie was a long time coming. Annoying junkie.

If you don't feel for Bodie, you don't get The Wire. Simple as that.

Gladiator is a piece of shit. Haven't seen that movie about the Chicago Blackhawks, and I never will, cause I'm a fucking grownup and there are Jean-Pierre Melville films I haven't seen.

You just cut them up, just like regular chickens.

That Virgo album is incredible. I'd heard "Take Me Higher" on some comp before and thought there was something special about it, but that whole album is great.