
Rowan: then stay away from last.fm. That way madness lies.

If you buy a lot of music on iTunes, you've got way more money than sense. Shit format, shit service. I'd buy Amazon mp3s if they were available in Canada.

Moss Icon >>>
all of these bands, save maybe Rites of Spring. Heroin is also really good, but they're more screamo.

He could try.
*tough on the internet*

Dragnet and Witch Trials are both really good, but nowhere near as good as Slates and Hex Enduction Hour.

I'd pay to watch Mark Smith kick Malkmus's teeth in.

who makes the na-zis?
who makes the na-zis?

If you want to enjoy a popcorn movie, why do you need a critic to validate you?

That Cerberus was funny.

Paul Scheer is in this. I think a piranha flies at the audience form in between his teeth.

You guys are all disgusting! This is a fair lady!! (please read this please read this please read this please read this please read this etc…)

Ed Anger fucking owns. It's still His America.

Realizing I haven't actually seen Willem Dafoe's dong is a real "rug pull" moment.

So… we shouldn't over-analyze this tossed off part of a live show? Or act like it's representative of Conan's oeuvre? What about some worthless armchair psychoanalysis?

But dungeon crawling is the best kind of crawling!

The guy's face literally comes off.

Thanks for your hard work Shih Tzu. One of my favourite games ever.

Autechre might be the anti-Burial. (I love both. Well, early Autechre.)

If you like Burial, check out a group called Foul Play. Also, look into more soulful house stuff like Moodymann.

Donk application is the most relevant and vibrant form of art in these trying times.