
More for your ignorance than your impending diseases.

I've got a book
called "The Best Short Stories of J.G. Ballard." Seemed like a good place to start.

I liked the movie. It was sad.

Eszter Balint: would.

It's ironic cause Tebow's a crying lil pansy ass bitch.

This one almost went over my head. You should've pointed out that it's because Betty White is old and unattractive. Thus, you declaring your intention to slyly twist the words of the commercial and literally ride her during the act of intercourse is hilariously ironic. Glad I figured it out.

It's me, I'm the gunman.

"ironic" racism

8 A's, people. 8 A's.

I calmly nodded in approval like a goddam grown man.

This double post was a commentary on reused beats… not a fuck up…

The rapping's good…
but I honestly think this was an underwhelming production effort. There's reused beats on here, and some of it sounds over-cooked.

The rapping's good…
but I honestly think this was an underwhelming production effort. There's reused beats on here, and some of it sounds over-cooked.

Speak for yourself.

"Presenting a part of history that's gone ignored is un-academic."
-someone with no experience with academia, 2010

How do you get into this thing?
Is there some sort of Achewood Primer?

Badly in need of a remaster/special edition. WTF is wrong with Earache.

p.s. This girl will get a crush on me and I'll break her heart while you sit there steaming about how you understand her and can treat her right.

Slightly hippie-ish musician type here. What's up, losers.

Keith Hudson
Keith Hudson