
Thank you.

The world is definitely lacking for people to pat America on the back. Probably something to do with 70% of it living on a couple of bucks a day.

How old do you have to be to make facile judgments?


Hipster has no meaning. It's just a blanket pejorative term used by mewling babies who cling desperately to mediocrity like a ratty old security blanket. To clarify: I don't do things to FEEL smarter and better than other people, I just AM smarter and better than other people, and am inclined towards entertainment

p.s. Yeah, Les Rallizes Denudes is genuinely the greatest band ever. They sound like what I assume Heroin feels like.

Prurient is pretty Emo.

Anything I've said against Zucker has actually been incredibly anti-semitic, but in a really subtle way that not everyone gets the first time they read it. Usury.

Kimmel owns.

People are so ready to see Conan walk. HE'S GONNA WIN! WE'LL SEE ZUCKER'S HEAD ON A PIKE!!

Walker told me I have CancerAIDS.

This game gives me a boner. Not like a "tee hee hee, game boner" but, like, a literal erection, so I'd say it's fairly successful in that regard.

Need the comedian to stop talking so we can hear more from Ethan Hawke. Good work, AV Club.

Artie Lange and Olivia Munn on Fallon
How did we escape a black hole of human awfulness being created at that convergence point? (Not including Jimmy)

Just watched There Will Be Blood again
It's actually a decent sized role. If only you could see his face and hear him at the same time.

This is a really reductive argument. Why is Mom so important in determining what gets played on the radio, and why is she so without blame for her tastes? She could've just as easily been listening to Curtis Mayfield as Luther Vandross.
Obviously part of PE and Cube's frustration was that radio wasn't working for them,

Turn off that bullshit.
Turn off that motherfucking radio.

NOFX is hilarious when you're 14. Kill all the white man.

Ran is the greatest achievement of cinema. Or is that skinema?
No, cinema.

Th-th-there's l-l-ladies here?