
We're all used to a touch screen because we all own a Touch or an iPhone. AV Club really knows their demo.

If I buy a game for $50 and sell it for $20, I've spent $30. If I buy a downloadable game for $25, I've spent $25.
I don't know what the pricing scheme looks like for the Go, though. It's basically a big 'fuck you' to retail, which is fine imo.

Yeah, probably.

The point of this review literally seems to be "All those unwashed hillbillies in the flyover states only listen to Glenn Beck now. Let's focus on preaching to the white, liberal, college-educated choir." You never cease to amaze me, AV Club.

we're ceding populism to the Right, now? That's great.

I listened to a clip of In Circles the other day and it really took me back. I used to be a huge pussy.

I read them anyways. Cause I hate myself.

Fishscale leak was better than retail.

Lookit these wrong ass opinions. Either Cuban Linx or Ironman has a skit with Ghost going off about some color combinations with pants and shoes or something, and Rae just disinterestedly agreeing with everything he says. It cracks me up every time I hear it. Word is bond, god, I'm the eyes that's in back of you.

Kanye West is a musical genius.

I'll say it: if you don't like Kanye West's music, you're a racist and probably a member of the KKK, BNP, GOP or other similar type group. Fortunately for you, that actually pales in comparison to the type of monster you are if you care about an awards show being disrupted.
But massive arrrrgggghhhh at Kanye for:

They have pretty nice songs imo. Nice without being precious. Will probably never have to hear them on a Wes Anderson soundtrack.

The Mafia doesn't exist.

You just got Rickraped.

Rick Rape
Rick Rape

Jewish factory worker?

Wanna hear that new album. Today's Active Lifestyles is the best.


Meh, not for me. I can still get plenty of pleasure out of everything from Incunabula to LP5, plus Gescom, so I just stay away from the later stuff.

Hah, I "get" Kid A. I embraced it when it came out because 1)They were my most favouritest band in the whole wide world and 2)I already listened to a lot of IDM and experimental type stuff, so it was kind of like my most favouritest band was embracing things I liked. Given the perspective of time, it just doesn't