
I see your point, raise you a disagreement, and call. Just because there is a thematic reference in the song to watching movies doesn't justify a glorified slideshow of 80s references, anymore than Weezer mentioning Mary Tyler Moore justifies a 70s tv homage. Although your comment does make me realize that we are

That was the musical and artistic equivalent of a Buzzfeed post. Why bother attempting to create something with an autonomous point-of-view when you can just count on nostalgia to make your audience go, "Yep, that was a thing that existed once. Being a kid in a specific cultural setting sure was profound!"

Johnny Cougar and John Mellencamp are releasing an album of John Cougar Mellencamp covers.

Maybe they were impressed by the scene in his other movie where Mary Magdalene and the Virgin Mary went ass to ass.

I remember David Spade using it extensively on his Weekend Update appearances, and possibly a whole sketch centered around it from that time, so that'd place it in the early 90s. I think the Seinfeld episode "The Comeback" introduced it to a wider audience, and looking it up, I see that episode was from 1997. In

Considering Miley Cyrus has emerged as a third-wave feminist icon for reclaiming feminine sexuality from the slut-shaming patriarchy, I believe you mean her *emancipated* midriff.

You're not the first one that I've seen espouse the "Walt kills himself with the ricin" theory, but you're the only one I've seen today, so you shall be forced to bear the brunt of my wrath for the moment — Ricin is a slow-acting, painful poison used in espionage solely because it is undetectable by most autopsies,

Get it?  The first one is like when the the ghost of the Kool-Aid Man bursts through your wall, and you're so in awe that you stare at him and stare at him until his visage is permanently burned into your retinas.  The second one is when you capture that ghost, dehydrate it, grind it into powder and you realize that

You seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of the entire premise of the humor in this show.

I think Jim Jones and the People's Temple could make a great segment.  Kinane could probably do it justice, but the overlap at the end between drunk puking and the mass poisoning of children might veer away from depressing comedy into actual depression.  Personally, I'd love to do a segment on Pig's Eye Parrant and

- I assume you mean the American government would never murder innocent American citizens, right?  Cause we certainly don't give a shit about innocent brown people in other countries.

Gus Fring - Kills Families D E A

Aye cahn aspeak Eenglesh… Aye leern it fromma boouk.

I got a "Meg White's Tits" notification for this?

So the watermelons caused the autism?

I Want Khan (Shrines So Heavy)

I'm not saying your wrong, but the corollary to what you're saying is that to the general population Kurt Cobain is as relevant today as Marvin Gaye was in 2002.  It's hard to remember when you're immersed in music geekdom, but to a typical college freshman, Nirvana is just something that maybe their parents listened

I was slightly annoyed with this initially, but then I did the math and realized there's a very good chance that when Kurt Cobain killed himself, this girl had not even been born yet.  And now I feel so old I think I'm going to go Cobain myself, by which I mean drink tea and complain about my various bodily aches and

Speaking as someone who was in junior high/high school during this time frame, I gotta say that liking punk, even radio-friendly, MTV rotation pop-punk like Green Day still wasn't cool or popular in the 90s.  Sure, there was a contingent of punks and weirdos at my high school, but there were maybe 20 of us out of a

I think the Edmund Fitzgerald was a one-off.  Wilco's setlists this tour have been all over the map, with random covers and regional references.  Hoping for a Husker Du cover tonight in St. Paul.  Or maybe Prince.