Reposted Lt. Broccoli Comments

There can be only one.

You could yell at a cloud.

Which Obama invented by himself. He's so talented.

That cable really tied the room together.

Hey man, got any Bojack?

*fewer page views

*fewer page views

Why would you put that in your mouth?

You've clearly never seen the work of one Tilda Swinton.

Don't they already get residuals?

He must be a Doctor to earn that kind of money.

Wait, you're still calling them "actresses" in 2017? I thought the modern style was to call actors of both genders "actors."

That's no moon!

Kelly’s attorney said they’d work “diligently and forcibly to pursue his accusers…"

Either Taylor Swift is really into snakes, or she’s about to release new music

Oh great, the whole "not really geeks" and "faux-nerds" accusation. Sure, there's nothing bullying or misanthropic about that particular brand of bullshit exclusion.

There were always assholes who liked Star Trek. They just didn't call themselves nerds or geeks or dress up at conventions quite as much.

But isn't that just same thing as "virtue signaling"?

Great, now the cat is angry and ripping the duvet apart.
