Reposted Lt. Broccoli Comments

When Jones watches Seinfeld, he only sees Newman.

Don't be a zero, be a hero!

some sort of ill-conceived, poorly argued Islamophobic point.

His time in Vietnam really changed him.

No, you can't see anything through those glasses other than the sun when it's not occluded. When the eclipse is in totality, she won't see any fucking thing.

How was the spaghetti there?

It's a lot better than doing it with Phish in your ears.

Lube job while you wait?

Guess where I’ll be Monday? (I booked the Airbnb two years ago.)… It’s technically okay to take your glasses off during totality… I plan on keeping mine on the whole time, because it’s really not worth the risk of permanently damaging your eyes.

Not knowing how to do something hasn't stopped Trimp so far.

Is he even capable of doing anything officially? I would have thought he'd declare war via SnapChat or something.

Huh. I would have thought the establishment was Mitch McConnell in a rubber Nancy Pelosi body suit.

It's OK, you're with your peers here.

Howling in glee, or jealousy?

No, you just suck at everything.

I think he means that Trump is entering the "gay liberal globalist" stage of his presidency.

They chop hard, they play hard. That's how you get wood.

That's a massively overlooked aspect of all this. The "reality show" voters who thought it would be funny, or it would "spice things up" with some drama. Those politicians are so boring with their policies and laws and procedures. When's someone going to pull a bitch's weave out?

*he definitely cannot