Reposted Lt. Broccoli Comments

He's no Dr. Marvin Monroe, that's for damn sure.

He then proceeded to lay down the sickest burn of all on the hatemongers of the “alt-right,” declaring them “not even that funny anymore.”

"I make the best deals. Everybody knows this. Oh, not with business leaders. With Nazzis. I'm great at dealing the the Nazzis."

Well, if you're trying to compensate for previously being racist so much that you start seeing racism everywhere, even when there's no indication of it? For example.

Are you really that stupid? That was about your touched nerve and how you have such issues over petty little things like what other people like, and accuse them of racism for not liking the same things as you.

Hey, you were the one who brought up the comparison in the first place. If we're supposed to wait 20 years, why did you do that?

Wait, your family raised you to be racist? Mine didn't. Maybe you are over-compensating?

Uh, how else are we supposed to compare them? Wait 20 years?

a lingering feeling that they're guilty.

It wouldn't be US history, but "America" is still the region in question, I would think. But the secession and re-unification are also part of the US story.

People can be annoyed by all kinds of things. Different people have different tastes. It's pretty fucking weird for you to turn that into a race thing.

You obviously haven't watched much Schaffer if you think they're essentially the same.

Why do specific moments of annoyance matter? They were all annoying. Just laughter and agreeing with Colbert.

Uh-huh. Why do I have to be more specific? That's the whole of it. He's annoying and doesn't add anything.

Schaffer was actually clever, and had good rapport with Dave. This guy has none of that, he's just annoying.

"I made Eric. I own him and everything he owns!"

Huh? This site reports on Oliver's show every week. Which it did this week, but was before these particular statements.

"There's violence on both sides."

Drinking heavily.