Reposted Lt. Broccoli Comments

Not even a Squidport?

According to the U.S. Geological Survey there are currently 33 populated places in 25 states named Springfield throughout the United States, including five in Wisconsin; additionally, there are at least 36 Springfield Townships, including 11 in Ohio.

Eh, that sounds like too complex a chain of logic for Trump. I'm guessing it's more like "Lee - Great American. Washington - Great American. Why leftist no like Great American?"

See, you're either a right-wing Fascist, a left-wing Stalinist, or a reasonable, rational, impartial person like the person making the "two sides" argument.

Woozle Wuzzle?

It's fiction, not a documentary.

That seems extremely fucking unlikely.

How could that possibly not be a show about the South and racism?

Not by much.

'Battle Royale with Cheese' in France.

Sure, "theme park" and not something Trump is actually planning to build as a way to pit states against one another for their loyalty to him.

So, The Handmaid's Tale should never have been made because sexism and patriarchy isn't dead yet?

Get to it? The whole game is pretty damn campy.

Don't recent events make it more relevant to explore these ideas?

What kind of idiocy?

Hey didn't say "two sides." He said "many sides." So does that include the largely BLM group that was attacked by car? They were unarmed and had signs saying "love." Are they one of the "many sides" at fault?

When "keeping it real" goes wrong.

I miss Obama, too.

Oh hell no! Do you want to be totally overrun by Edgelords and have even fewer minorities around?

Well, it actually had some point back when it was a more fringe movement. It was basically to distinguish the younger right-wingers, who did most of their activism online, on 4-chan and the like, and tended more to include atheists and other groups not represented by the traditional old-school "rich old white guy who