Reposted Lt. Broccoli Comments

Holy shit. Link?

I wonder if there even is an "alt-right" anymore, as the regular right doesn't seem to be doing much to stand up to this, so the "alt-right"has just become the mainstream right.

Their job. Their job. Repetitiveness is their job.

Don't you see? The positive racism cancels out the negative racism!

I like the way Seebelppa thinks!

The A.V. Club.
Waste company time.

A crime-solving bird? Now I've seen everything!

Errrm, well, actually. It's a regular-sized step for a woman, because women are biologically predisposed to take inferior, smaller steps than men.

You're not supposed to use welding glass. It doesn't block nearly as much light as the "namby-pamby film."

Surprise me!


That's not fair. He also ate jellybeans with pills in them.

How can one translate that which does not exist?

It's not instead, it's as well.

Is that how you died for a space weekend that time?

Or the mule with a spinning wheel.

I think it's actually going to take a lot longer before it actually happens. From the Kinja thread, it seems like the developers didn't quite comprehend exactly how much work they'd need to do even to just do the Disqus transferring.

The ring came off my penis can!

Hey, that's their motto!

The hat contains potassium benzoate.