Reposted Lt. Broccoli Comments

Sure, the "militant" position of we want equality for all and not fascism or shooting black people. That kind of militant politics.

We need the Trump equivalent of Luther, Obama's Anger Translator from Key & Peele.

It can be two things!

Pointedly, this statement does not come from Trump himself, but rather “a White House spokesperson” who has not been named.

He liked it when Rio danced on the sand, though.

Shut 'em down, open up shop.

Don't give them ideas!!

It's what inspired the Led Zeppelin lyric "Bustle in your hedgerow."

It's such a great word.

Possibly. The "workers" in the title make them sound like old-school trade unionists, crossed with white nationalists.

There's always exceptions that have artistic merit, like a lot of ancient stuff and Michelangelo, etc. But the "here's some local leader or military dude" ones tend to be pretty hideous, and haven't aged well.

He has plenty of it for The Devil, though.

There was an interesting interview with one guy there represented some "Worker's Party" or something saying how they reject Trump because he's a globalist and corporatist. Their goal is to secede and form a country just for white people. I don't know what system of government or economy they are proposing, though.

Statues are just completely fucking stupid in the first place.


Well, that's the thing, isn't it? The vast majority are not active in white nationalist or Neo-Nazi groups, but their normalized "every day" racism provides cover and potential new recruits for them.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking near the beginning of the rally.

Do they do lots of Tai-Chi there or something?

Oh, and people have been making stupid arguments about antifa-this and provocation that. The group he drove into didn't look to be armed or engaged in fighting - they were BLM protesters holding placards.

That attack could have been even worse if he had been driving a pick-truck or similar. The low, aerodynamic shape of the car probably saved a lot of people by flinging them over top, rather than crushing them into the vehicles in front.