Reposted Lt. Broccoli Comments

It's not their monument, and no the government did not try to cancel their march, just move it to a more suitable venue.

So, who encouraged him to drive a car into the crowd? Inciting isn't just getting into a fight with someone. And the mere existence of people opposed to your views is not incitement to violence.

I don't think anyone at the protest should be using violence. But it's a huge fucking leap of logic to expect mass murder in response. And it's an even further leap of logic to blame that on his victims.

Uh, that's not being oppressed.

Where is your evidence that he did it because he was scared of being assaulted by them?

I think everybody gets your point. It's just a stupid, shitty point. And one that's not supported by any evidence.

Trimp: Tell my wife "hello."
Melania: Tell Donald I have a headache again.

And later he'll get a folder full of clippings saying how well he handled it. Some of them presumably from white nationalist sources congratulating him for not calling them out.

WTF? Have you not seen the footage?


Well, Pickle is much more seasoned.

That's all I have to say to you.

Eww. You didn't look up their sheets, did you?

Baby steps…

To be fair, a 5-year-old could give better speeches than Trimp.

I wouldn't be so quick to conclude you were wrong about Poe's Law. This Depracleese fellow is a very disingenuous one, and a right-winger.

the counter protestor running over his own people

Sausage up that bacon grease, boy!

The weirdest thing is when they fly them side-by-side with the US flag. WHICH FUCKING ONE DO YOU SUPPORT?
