Reposted Lt. Broccoli Comments

I didn't come here for a debate.

What can I say? I don't seek out reading material about dating politics. But I would imagine opinion on dating etiquette is widely varied. It also seems likely that people in, say, an Indian community much care who white people are dating.


That was John Kerry. There was an awful episode where they planted a snuke in her snizz.

Come On Feel The Illinoize

I've told you before. I'm not going to Greece to fight the British!

Trump looks in the mirror and has a rare moment of revelation. "Holy shit, my face is orange as fuck! Why did nobody tell me?"

It was too fucking little, too fucking late by that point. They'd already raised a generation of shitty little South Park conservatives, who laugh at things like "manbearpig."


Rock rap on the other hand…


Fuck off troll.

What the fuck? I have no idea what people think on these matters, and which people are saying it, and whether it's the "prevalent" attitude. I've never heard anybody say such things.

I have never said anything resembling that. Nor have I seen anyone be demonized for stating a preference.

Have they even found the driver? I've heard nothing of his arrest. Just "police are investigating a 3-car collision." Fucking hell.

"We need more WHT PRID in this covfefe"

… into the sun.

Well yes, but podcasts took that and made it much better.

Fuck off troll. We're not interested in your "philosophical differences" and your disingenuous arguments.

What the fuck are you talking about?