Reposted Lt. Broccoli Comments

Fuck off, troll. That's all you really are. You try to dress it up as "rational" debate, but every time I see you here, you're defending ugly ideas and arguing in bad faith.

"You know, the truth is somewhere in the middle between hateful racism and civil rights. So just join together and do both."

Sure, "interesting" like a bucket of shit and vomit is interesting.

He's not Jesus Christ, so AJ's followers wouldn't be called Christians. Alien Jesusians, maybe? Europans?

Or Goop!

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Why can't they just embed YouTube videos like normal people? Why does it have to be a "Kinja video experience"?

Mr., Chode.

… while Perkins watches.

Nothing is real. And nothing to get hung about…

…except maybe if you're transgender in the military and you get executed for "treason."

Have you ever tried simply turning off the TV, sitting down with your president, and hitting him?

A 25-year-old Libertarian barely qualifies as mature enough for "Young Adult" literature, let alone "Adult Adult" literature.

Uh, what?

I think those Scots would quickly be wrong - as rolled oats were apparently first created in Ohio. I don't have the book in question, but I would imagine the "uniquely American" part of it involves America's rapid industrialization as compared to Europe's more traditional methods.

A cursory examination makes it seems like there's a lot of cornmeal. But "shredded goat" did catch my interest.

[buys transparent illuminated umbrella via Kinja Deals]

I say we just send him a bucket or five of Venezuelan Kinja.

I only tend to read Kenji's Food Lab articles on Serious Eats, and even he puts in enough "cutesy" writing about his wife and dog to test the limits of my Millennial tolerance.

But it still all has to be a giant mystery.

It wasn't??