Reposted Lt. Broccoli Comments

I'm pretty sure keeping people captive is a crime.

Your selfish nature was thoroughly proven when you chose to use that shitbag company Uber.

[hangs head, pouts]

He sure is a Doucheocrat.

Guy Fieri.

I would say that not berating them loses more other potential voters.

Being soft and wishy-washy with these assholes alienates a lot of potential voters.

Counterpoint: coddling people who are wrong and bad is a terrible idea. We got where we are party by giving idiots and bigots the benefit of the doubt and trying to reason with them.

Oof, that graytes.

Why would a space robot have intestines?

He is merely exchanging long protein strings. If you can think of a simpler way, I'd like to hear it.

These people also use white-out on their computer screens when they've accidentally spelled a word correctly.

Lots of women are misogynists.

Protip: it's possible to consume alcohol on days other than Friday.

You misspelled "fapping."

"I'm gonna give you a makeover you can't refuse."

Let bears pay the bear tax. I pay the Homer tax.

You mean Cerberus?

Pshaw. Everybody knows Bert is the evil one.

Wait, I thought Kinja was supposed to give us better moderation. Don't tell me Ernie lied to us!