Reposted Lt. Broccoli Comments


I like the way Snrub thinks!

I don't think that guy even has chromosomes.

The Good Place would like a word with you.

This AV Club doesn't have a fire exit!

Heh heh heh… mute.

She still embodies the awful stereotypes she did before!

She still embodies the awful stereotypes she did before!

Did Sam Simon even understand how divorce works? You're only divorcing one person, not an entire gender!

Now, let's forget our troubles with a big bowl of strawberry ice-cream.

1. Do you have any numbers backing that up?

If it were actually a meritocracy, there would be a lot more women being hired. Systematic sexism has had the result that it's not a meritocracy.

What's sexist about addressing a gender imbalance? It would be sexist to continue hiring women at a lower rate.

I won't turn it down if I happen to be in the areola.

She looks like she'll murder him in his sleep.

The idea of a mere female having a self is poppycockery of the highest order.

[Rodney Dangerfield voice]

Or they could just go fuck a hand grenade.

National monuments with an attitude
Fellas that were in the mood
Don't just stand there, let's get to it
Strike a pose, there's nothing to it

Hashtag #HugoBoss4EvaBraun #hashtag